My Parkinsons

Have you, or has someone you know, been diagnosed with Parkinson’s?

Do you live in Cardiff or the Vale of Glamorgan?

Are you looking for a source of up-to-date information about Parkinson’s?

The Cardiff and Vale Parkinson’s Team have developed a digital resource called My Parkinson’s.

It contains information and advice about common symptoms, challenges and considerations which people with Parkinson’s often face.

Created by the Parkinson’s team and specialist colleagues, it contains written information and videos about:

    • Keeping physically active with Parkinson’s (Physiotherapy)
    • Saliva management, exercises for quiet voices and swallowing issues (Speech and Language therapy)
    • Mobility tips and techniques and equipment (Occupational Therapy
    • Mindfulness, anxiety management and psychological techniques (Clinical Psychology)
    • A nourishing diet (Dietitians)
    • Medications
    • Who's who in the Parkinson’s team

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